The whole history of Odessa is for those who are constantly running somewhere and who never have free time. continuation

This feed of History is about city holidays, solemn events, festivals, perhaps even about parades. As people had different ideas at various times not only about the holidays, but also about the ways of celebrating them. continuation

Площадка очищенная от руин сгоревшего первого городского театра

начало 1880-х
Это период, когда первый городской театр уже сгорел, а второй на его месте еще не построен. Этих двух больших зданий тоже уже нет. В конце улицы на горизонте видна пожарная вышка рядом с ж/д вокзалом.
The End

Russian-Ukrainian war on the map more

Film locations - frames from films shot in Odessa right on the map of Odessa. more

Photo locations — photos and drawings of Odessa directly on the map of Odessa. more