The whole history of Odessa is for those who are constantly running somewhere and who never have free time. continuation

After the annexation of Crimea. Russia considered the entire south-eastern part of Ukraine as new regions of the Russian Federation. Odessa, by the Kremlin idea, had to become Odessa People’s Republic, but it didn’t turn out at all the way it was planned by the Kremlin officials. continuation

This History is about catastrophes, natural disasters, accidents, epidemics and pandemics that happened in Odessa. Whether we like it or not, some events can neither be foreseen nor stopped. continuation

ВСУ уничтожило российский командный пункт в оккупированном селе Юрьевка Донецкой области
14 августа уничтожен российский командный пункт, который располагался в селе Юрьевка в лагере «Волна». Пишут про десятки погибших россиян в том числе полковник Виктор Ковалев. Уничтожение Ковалева подтверждено.

Russian-Ukrainian war on the map more

Film locations - frames from films shot in Odessa right on the map of Odessa. more

Photo locations — photos and drawings of Odessa directly on the map of Odessa. more

Infostat locations - objects and places of Odessa directly on the map of Odessa. more

History tape from photos and drawings of events in the history of Odessa directly on the map of Odessa. more