The whole history of Odessa is for those who are constantly running somewhere and who never have free time. continuation

Despite the fierce resistance of the Odessites, the Soviet troops left Odessa to the Romanians. Odessa was under occupation for more than two years. How Odessa lived, as the capital of Transnistria… People never felt like telling about it in the post-war Soviet era continuation
My story Tough Odessa

Очередная попытка поднять танкер «Delfi»

На этот раз новый подрядчик «Transship» подходит к проблеме более грамотно. Они очищают дно от камней и откачивают воду из трюма танкера. Ко второй половине дня ржавый танкер уже почти стоит на киле. more
The End

Russian-Ukrainian war on the map more

Film locations - frames from films shot in Odessa right on the map of Odessa. more

Photo locations — photos and drawings of Odessa directly on the map of Odessa. more