The whole history of Odessa is for those who are constantly running somewhere and who never have free time. continuation

Many people believe that Odessa is the city of Mishka Yaponchik, a criminal eulogized in folklore. Alas, that’s not true. Criminality in Odessa has always been just criminality. continuation

Meeting between the social outcasts Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un in Russia

Meeting between the social outcasts Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un in Russia
Did we show you too few rockets? Have you been badly fed? North Square Muzzle, give me some shells!
On September 13, Putin will meet with his dear guest from North Korea, dictator Kim Jong-un. From the largest number of sanctions imposed by the whole world on their countries to dictatorial habits, these guys already have almost everything in common. Moreover, these two are the puppets of China. Putin is showing Kim Jong-un his latest military toys, but for some reason he is begging him for more shells for the war with Ukraine. As it turns out, North Korea has been delivering shells to Russia for a month now, but apparently the amount is very small. It's clear from Putin's nervous antics that he himself understands how it all looks, but he can't do anything about it - his army is suffering defeat in Ukraine, which can only mean a death sentence for him personally.
The End

Author: UA HiSTORY

Russian-Ukrainian war on the map more

Film locations - frames from films shot in Odessa right on the map of Odessa. more

Photo locations — photos and drawings of Odessa directly on the map of Odessa. more