The whole history of Odessa is for those who are constantly running somewhere and who never have free time. continuation

Many people believe that Odessa is the city of Mishka Yaponchik, a criminal eulogized in folklore. Alas, that’s not true. Criminality in Odessa has always been just criminality. continuation

Russian missile attack on a warehouse with goods belonging to the «Tavria V» chain of supermarkets

The Russians launched a rocket attack on Odessa on the night of 14 June. One of the missiles hit the food warehouse of the Tavria V supermarket chain. It was the nappies, baby food and feminine hygiene section. All of Odessa heard the explosion. Four warehouse workers are killed, six are injured. The workers did not go to the nearby bomb shelter because their salaries are envied, and the company also fines them for simple work. This situation was created by the workers themselves. They stopped hiding in the bomb shelter (which the company insisted on at the beginning of 2022) and simply skipped work legally.


On 15 June, Odessa was again called to mourn. Another terrorist act of intimidation against Ukraine takes place two days after the mourning in Odessa on 11 June for the victims of the fall of the wreckage of the Iranian "Shahed".​







And at this time...
The Russian propagandists, as usual, lie about having succeeded in destroying a warehouse of Western weapons and foreign mercenaries.
The End

Russian-Ukrainian war on the map more

Film locations - frames from films shot in Odessa right on the map of Odessa. more

Photo locations — photos and drawings of Odessa directly on the map of Odessa. more