The whole history of Odessa is for those who are constantly running somewhere and who never have free time. continuation

Few people remember, but Odessa  played a pioneering role in exploring the sky in the Russian Empire. For instance, the chief designer of Special Design Bureau number 1 of RD Institute number 88 Sergey Korolev began to pave the way into space from Odessa. And this is not a metaphor! continuation


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Заводная настольная игра.

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The End

Film locations by letter О

Опасная женщина
Film studio «Irka-Film»
Попытка молодой женщины выяснить, кто строчит на неё анонимки, приводит к трагическим последствиям. more

Film locations by letter Г

«Odessa Film Studio»
Музыкальная трагикомедия по мотивам одноименного рассказа А. И. Куприна. more