The whole history of Odessa is for those who are constantly running somewhere and who never have free time. continuation

After the annexation of Crimea. Russia considered the entire south-eastern part of Ukraine as new regions of the Russian Federation. Odessa, by the Kremlin idea, had to become Odessa People’s Republic, but it didn’t turn out at all the way it was planned by the Kremlin officials. continuation
Film locations by letter К

Карл Бруннер
Ukrainfilm (Odessa)
Отважный сын подпольщицы пытается спасти мать от нацистских штурмовиков. more

Film locations by letter Я

Я люблю
Film studio «Ukrainfilm»
Фильм о тяжкой жизни шахтеров дореволюционного Донбасса. more

Film locations by letter С

Строгий юноша
Film studio «Ukrainfilm»
Коммунистическая утопия об идеальных комсомольцах будущего. more