The whole history of Odessa is for those who are constantly running somewhere and who never have free time. continuation

This story tells about the buildings and constructions of Odessa at different moments of its history. Some buildings and monuments are still here, some of them have been vanished, some have been restored again, but some have never been architectural monuments at all. continuation
Film locations by letter З

Забудьте слово «смерть»
«Odessa Film Studio»
Достаточно динамичный боевичок на тему гражданской войны от мастера советских истернов Самвела Гаспарова. more

Film locations by letter Ш

Шкура белого медведя
«Odessa Film Studio»
Мелодрама о взаимоотношениях токаря Тормозного завода и монтажницы Радиозавода, ставшей депутатом райсовета. more